
Birds love Bears

I think every woman should be lucky enough to marry a man who:

Hates to leave you in bed every morning.
Has long arms that wrap you up when you're tired.
Has long legs that wrap you up when you're wrestling.
Hates chocolate, but collects them from his pillow on business trips, and then leaves them on your pillow when he gets home.
Carries you to bed when your stomach hurts.
On that note.. carries you to bed when your stomach doesn't hurt ;)
Dances in the kitchen.
Laughs at your clumsiness.
Tells you when you're wrong.
Praises you when you do well.
Believes in you when you don't.
Thinks your beautiful when you know you're not.....

My love is patient, and he is kind, he is not self seeking, he keeps no record of wrongs, and he is not easily angered.

God has blessed me. Abundantly.

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